Oh Hi there again my blog, fuuhh fuhhhh (away dust awayyyy)
Emmmmm..I come with this story to tell.
I went to a mosque last night, and beside me to pray is this old makcik walking slowly to fill up the saff. She then took the chair in front of her and using it to pray. As we were standing in our first rakaat, so does this makcik. But in the middle of Al-Fatihah, her leg trembled. Her whole body was shaking, forced her to sit.
I can't seem to remember how did she rukuk, but I definitely noticed her sujud. She can't bow her head properly to the sejadah, nor can she sit properly in between two sujud. She can only do sujud half, and also sit in the same position in between two sujud.
What came to my mind at that time was, "oh how lucky I am to still can pray properly, to stand, rukuk and sujud properly. She must have missed doing all that. Especially sujud". Why? Because sujud is the closest position we can get to Allah. We find tranquility in sujud, though we put the highest part of our body, into the lowest ground we step on.
Alhamdulillah to Almighty God, for untangling thousands of blood arteries making all the organs well-functioned. Hence can still pray properly. Also for this chance to be alive, when people in the grave begging and begging to God to give them chance to be alive again just because they wanted to pray. Yet we who can still breathe the air given by Him, neglect the prayer and blind to see how big is this 2 rakaah of solat. huhu..(nauzubillah)
Tetapkan hati kami dalam iman dan amal Ya Allah..
This is for myself. Peringatan untuk diri sendiri yang tulis, supaya lain kali baca lagi ini, agar tidak lupa syukur.